Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Beauty IS skin deep...

Do you suffer from adult acne? Or are you like me who breaks out every time its 'that time of the month'? You know, those annoying pimples that pop out and just keep growing and growing until they finally pop, and by the time they actually go away, its almost next month's 'time of the month'? Ok, ok TMI. Well, I'm dying to share with you this new product I recently started using. It's Mdskincare's alpha beta daily face peel. This stuff is so amazing, and believe me, I'm the number one skeptic on skincare products, especially for your face. I'm known to have sensitive skin, and this stuff works for me. It basically takes out that outermost superficial layer of dead skin cells, and really cleans and smooths out your skin. If you have scars, they will definitely fade after you've started using this. They have designed a formula that is so gentle you can literally use it EVERYDAY and it will not dry or damage your skin. It is UNBELIEVABLE how much better my complexion is. Here's a few tips though: 1. There are two steps to it, and both Step 1 and Step 2 come together. However, I recommend instead of buying the regular pads in a bottle, get the travel pads that come in individual packets. Otherwise they have a tendency to dry out, or stick together, and you end up wasting them. 2. Since they are expensive, it may not be absolutely necessary to use them everyday. You could use them everyday for the first week, and then just use them twice a week thereafter. Or just use them if you have an important day or evening coming up, right before you put on your makeup. 3. I found that it's always best to use with a good moisturizer. Lets face it, we can wear all the pretty clothes, and sport the most adorable shoes, but if we have bad skin, it REALLY shows. There can be no blemishes!!! Trust me, this stuff really works...

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